it's not that kind of movie. While reading up on some works of Antonioni over the past 2 weeks on Wiki and various other sites, I clicked on a Monica Vitti link. My crush on Vitti was written by me in an earlier piece (below) and this title among her filmo struck me as interesting, to say the least.
Oh yeah...did I mention it also stars Claudia Cardinale! (Droool!)
So Ok, a movie called Blonde In Black Leather starring Monica Vitti and Claudia Cardinale exists and I'm only now hearing about it? Well. Color me surprised.
From what little info I've managed to find out about it, it's supposedly a Thelma And Louise type of picture. OK, I'm sold! Only problem is WHERE IS IT? It's not listed in any volumes of Leonard Maltin's movie guide (complete, my Ass!) and the bit of online info is scarce. Sooo I'm guessing a DVD is like, uh, nonexistent, huh, Dude? Bummer.
But still I shall not give up. A movie like this is begging to be re-discovered. I Betcha QT has seen it. BIBL does have that Grindhouse-ish kinda ring to it, don-cha think?

Rev' em up.
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